There are things that I want to say, questions about morality, and what is the right thing to do, and there are things that I want to share with my absent audience, but I am not sure where to go from here.
Perhaps I shall make this all business, and fun.
I've created a few new shapes to the regular mini top hats I've always done. I now have a Bowler (pictured here on the left) , a ladies Riding Hat, and a proper sized Tall Hat (which is like a riding hat but a little more period to the Elizabethan Era.)
Oh and I nearly forgot, there is also a miniature Mad Hatter!
You can just make out the mad hatter in this shot of my desktop, the fabric on this one in particular is rather fun, it's thistle with spiders in back and a little honey bee on the brim. And in case you want to see the craziest, blurriest picture ever, here's a peak at the Mini Mad Hatter... or not, blogger evidently is still a booger.
Oh well cheers for now, we'll see where this little torrid afair runs off to shall we? Anon.