and knit, out of love and joy. Out of needing to get things done. I enjoy working with the Laines du Nord, Dolly Maxi. The name reminds me of Dolly the Sheep for some reason, poor poor DNA deficient Dolly. But this dolly isn't deficient in DNA. It's deficient in twist. But the yarn is so squishable that I really don't mind when I have to tink back because I missed a strand. But I may mind when the little strands begin to get caught on things like fingers and purses ~but lo, that's in the future. Currently though I am really enjoying Boogie's Sprout Cardigan I spoke of last. And by the by huge thanks to that crazy YoYo Knits for the heads up on el cheapo yarn!
So far a sleeve has been made. That's since last night when I realized that I had received my yarn earlier that day. I'd say it was about 10:30. We had just eaten dinner and I was trying to pass out on the couch when the reality of new yarn in the house began calling. Don't you just love that sound. The gentle nudging of the merino drawing me nearer and promising that I will be just so happy to knit it. I mean after all it is Super Wash. What a star fiber super wash. ~Here I come to save your knitting today, it's me Super Wash, with a chest all emblazoned with an unfelted "S". ~Do great balls of super wash have chests? I believe I've gone one step beyond. But eh gads who cares, it's Super Wash. Yes I admit it's my first experience with super wash, but I believe I'm keeping my cool. Not like I've actually made the super wash hero suit, yet.
Sorry for the larger than necessary delay in babble~status (blogging) but I've been doing summer things, like gardening, and planning a reception, and cleaning house, and making invites, and then making more but different invites, then making more of those different invites.
scanner time, scanner time, whoah, hoahooh.
(One of these day's I'll give a gocco tutorial. Since my machine is the PG-11 I didn't really find any tutorials for that model. And then some other day I may even watch the video's that came with the kit...I just can't stand reading or watching instructions, I prefer to figure most things out myself.)
The reception down at my mum's house has a much more proper, white paper with black ink and rather official invite, well as official as a backyard BBQ invites can be, but still boring...!
Harrry potter harry potter harry potter harry pot
harry potter harry potter harry potter harry pot
oh potter boy oh potter potter boy
oh potter boy oh harry-o!
Potter potter harry-oooooooo
(sung to the tune of Sarasponda)
Still waiting to see it. Lo there is no one left to go with me...Oh well there's a midnight release of the book this weekend at our downtown hangout. Can anyone say books and beer! Woohoo, butter beer. I wonder who will be killed off this time, or if Hermione and Ron will finally get it on in Moaning Mertle's bathroom. You know that's where J.K. is going with it. Watch, pretty soon there will be parodies just like there were for the Brady Bunch. Mark my words. oh what's that? There already are? Oh poo!
Still waiting to see it. Lo there is no one left to go with me...Oh well there's a midnight release of the book this weekend at our downtown hangout. Can anyone say books and beer! Woohoo, butter beer. I wonder who will be killed off this time, or if Hermione and Ron will finally get it on in Moaning Mertle's bathroom. You know that's where J.K. is going with it. Watch, pretty soon there will be parodies just like there were for the Brady Bunch. Mark my words. oh what's that? There already are? Oh poo!
Cheers and Happy Knitting to one and to all.
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