Monday, March 3, 2008

A Letter

Dear Starpukes,
I believe you should know that your Ginger Chew cookies,
are well rather par under.
They're hard, and actually taste stale.
At times they even taste a bit like your chai tea,
which just to let you know is rather similar to the taste of soap.
There I've said it, and well if you could just make your ginger chews,
well more akin to their namesake I would certainly be content.
Bonnie Boheme
Enough said on that front. Oh and Peet's coffee, thanks for having squishy~soft, and filled w/ yummy ginger chews!
On the knitting front, I knit not a knot since Thursday, but instead I've very nearly finished the fabulous new little mad hatter in teal, it's been adorned but still needs some permanent staying ability.
Once I did that, I started a new yellow and silver hat for this weekend's hoedown! It's pretty cute, and not quite as Lemon Chiffon as I was hoping for, but it should work. That one's just about done. I was thinking of turning it into a bowler hat, but just couldn't find a good enough wooden knob to act as a hat block for me.
Speaking of hat blocks, guess what I found at Urban Ore in Berkeley on Sat, come on guess! Yep a nice rounded hat block in the exact hat size as my fat head, 23. Did I mention it's the shape I've wanted? It is!!!! I've very stoked as now I can make felt hats to my content. I even have some roving to start with, but first it needs a dye job. So cool though.
And I know I really shouldn't mention this so I'll write it very small:
the husbeast bought me a website in the cutest name for my birthday, which is at the end of the month. And he's the one that came up with the name and I reaallllly really adore it. Only problem is that he expects me to make it myself! The audacity. Me make a website. Oh, oh well.!!!!!
See I'm just really rather stoked. And yes I will keep all informed when it is out of construction.
Oh and this weekend I also weeded my ward, in preparation for seed planting, and my freesia are well into bloom, so yummy and pretty and Spring like.
Did I mention I love March? It's probably my favorite month, and not just because it's my birthday month.

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