Last night we come back from eating out, and there's a big black fur ball laying in the cat mint right by the front door. Franky's lurking off by the side gate. So we scare the puffball off, it jumps over Franky and Franky gives an utterly displeased vocalling. Our darned cat walks up to us, I look down at him, and there's all this goo in a straight line down the center of his back. We freaked out thinking that it was blood for a second, then a finger test cleared it, to being oil! A nice huge glob of oil. And we're thinking that the puffball was giving him the huge assed 20 lb. cat a hard time, and claiming the cat mint for itself. Well looks like I have a little gardening to do this weekend. The cat mint is being moved to the back yard, and I have some seeds to go with it. Of course some more kitty mint, but then a whole bunch more wild flowers.
I plan on moving a bunch of rocks from up against our house, over to the side fence where the husbeast tramples all the time while working on his old VW. I'll till some of the dirt, add a little new dirt and spread, rather haphazardly, the scores of seeds I have. There's already calalilies growing there, so I hope it'll be lovely. the first set of seeds spread a couple of weeks ago are starting to push through the ground in the front yard. I'm eager to see if their layout makes any sense, or just looks like rubbish.
Tonight is my beer bitch meetup, so I'll actually be doing some knitting on the log cabin blanket. I think I have Spring fever though. It seems like always around this time of year I slow down on the knitting. That and I have a few kettles on the stove as things to which I shall allude to in the future.
On the miniature top hat front, the Butcher, he is constructed, and awaiting accoutrement. Now if only I could find a small novelty butcher knife. Real knives preferred, but just a truly bad idea. But certainly preferred. I believe I may use the cutlery trim on this hat, even though I just used it. It seems to fit with the idea of the Butcher. That or something old and smelly and tattered. I'll investigate, and get back to you on that one.
Cheers till then.
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