Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Welcome to a new year

Hope everyone is well rested and rather well inducted into the new year by now. I'm tired, I have been tired, and snotty. Turns out the husbeasts 'allergies' were really the Rhino virus, so here I sit sickly, but without a fever! That's pretty much been my last week around here. I must admit that at times my eyes have felt like melting out of their sockets which would be a better fate than sitting in their little eyeholes as I prefer them to. Sorry for the hideous detail, but what do I have to hide around here.
I have yet to use my new little spinning wheel, but soon I may get around to it. I suppose I'll see if I'm really up to the challenge of the ordeal. I have broken in my little sewing machine, and am rather stoked to report that I am the proud new owner of a grocery bag holder. That's right, I even made one for my mum, not half bad if I do say so myself.
Here you go a little pink marshmallow for your viewing enjoy,
aren't they so cute with their little chocolate drizzles and peppermint sprinkles, ahhh poo.
Don't ask me what's up with the placement of the letters w/ the picts... I ah I got nothing.
I'm sorry guys, but I'm still just rather pooed, soon I do hope to be back to normal. Until then enjoy your days and embrace your evenings, but remember that a passion for destruction is also a creative passion.
Cheers until my eyes stop melting and my nosicle stops drizzling.

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